Knowledgebase: Plesk Panel 11
Plesk Login Error: Unable to connect to pipe
Posted by on 29 August 2012 01:25 PM

Applies to Plesk for Windows.

You cannot connect to my Plesk Control Panel and receive the following error:

get_config_string failed: PRODUCT_DATA_D: The system cannot find the file specified.
(Error code 2) at Unable to connect to pipe \\.\pipe\psapipe


The Plesk services have lost their connection to the Plesk database.  There are several reasons this might happen, but the quick fix is the same in all cases.


The quick fix for this problem is to restart the Plesk services and the Plesk database servers.

Follow these steps to perform this action:

  1. Login to your server with Remote Desktop.
  2. Open the Plesk icon in your system tray.
  3. Select the Plesk Run-Time checkboxes so they are checked.
  4. Select the SQL Server boxes so they are checked.
  5. Uncheck everything else.
  6. Click the Restart button.

This will restart the services involved in the Plesk database connection and allow them to communicate.

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